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Client terms and conditions.


By following these simple guidelines we will eliminate the possibility of any potential situation arising – and by 'situation', I mean a physical reaction to an oil or an oil ingredient that you may be allergic to; a new medication or medication switch that you have not informed me about causing a reaction, or any other example of a situation where I, Nikki Harley have not been fully informed about your medical history that later causes problems and necessitates further action.

I do rely on your honesty and open-ness at all times when discussing your past and present medical histories with me no matter how you may feel about it. Its purpose is solely so that I can accurately gauge and alter my therapy and massage treatments (and the ingredients involved with those treatments), accordingly to give you the maximum benefit. Some of the most benign looking oils and ingredients can bring about quite adverse reactions for some people, so to know all conditions of a person's medical life past and present is important – the knowledge of the information will protect you as well as me. 

Client Terms & Conditions: By booking and attending a treatment with me, Nikki Harley it is taken as proof that you have read, understood and agree by the Terms and conditions as laid out here.

1. If I am not able to make my scheduled appointment, I agree to cancel 24 hours in advance by telephone, email or text (not via Facebook or Twitter), unless I have an emergency, in which case I shall telephone Nikki as soon as possible and leave a message.

2. If I missed a scheduled appointment and did not contact and inform Nikki 24 hours previously, I agree to pay my appointment charge in full. I believe this is fair, I have booked Nikki's time and to miss an appointment means she cannot rebook that same time slot in order to recoup the lost revenue.

3. I shall provide you, Nikki, all of my health and medical information to the best of my knowledge, in full and agree to it being kept privately, confidentially and in the understanding that it shall never be passed onto or read by any third parties.

4. I understand that massage and other similar body-work treatments are therapeutic in nature and are NOT a substitute for medical examination or medical care. I agree to honour all existing and future medical practitioner appointments. I also agree NOT to stop any course of medication or treatment as prescribed by my local GP or other medical practitioner without first discussing this with them.

5. I agree to update Nikki with information in regard to any changes to any ongoing medical treatments as these changes may affect my therapy treatments in some way.

6. I agree that any therapy or treatment given by HealingTherapies should not be used in place of conventional medical care. Always consult your GP or a healthcare professional for medical attention and advice. Nikki Harley is not a qualified general medical practitioner and any views or opinions expressed on topics outside of her acknowledged training should be treated purely as that and must not be acted upon before consulting your own GP or healthcare professional.

7. Healing Therapies business, Nikki Harley herself or anyone acting on her behalf do not assume or accept responsibility for a clients' healthcare needs. Any therapies you may undertake are done so voluntarily by you on the understanding that you have read and abide by the Terms and Conditions as set out above.
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